Korean Double Eyelid Surgery! Things you should know after Korean double eyelid surgery!

There are a lot of people who are frustrated with smaller looking eyes, asymmetric eyes, and dull looking eyes, and those could be one of the reason why people choose to do double eyelid surgery in Korea! However, to maintain a gorgeous Korean double eyelid surgery for a long time, it is important to care for your eyes even after Korean double eyelid surgery!

Sometimes patients mention about swelling and bruises that does not go away after double eyelid surgery, or inquiring about recovery period or their eyes seem asymmetric. So today we have prepared Korean double eyelid surgery 101 for swelling and bruises after double eyelid surgery!

"Swelling does not go away after double eyelid surgery, is there a faster way for the swelling to recede after double eyelid surgery?"

Swelling and bruising after double eyelid surgery may differ between each individual. Especially for incisional method or if double eyelid surgery is done together with other surgery, may cause swelling and bruising more than the burial method or natural adhesion method. 

Recovery period may differ depending on the surgery method. The minor swellings will recede starting from 3~6 months after surgery, so no need to worry too much about it, however, if you follow the double eyelid surgery after care, you will be able to get a much more satisfying Korean double eyelid surgery result!

For the first 3 days after Korean double eyelid surgery, it is advised to do cold compress. After 3 days placing warm compress will aid in blood circulation, and maintaining the standard room temperature is also another method. Another de-swelling tips is to sleep with pillow higher than your heart, light walk and exercise such as yoga and stretching is also effective. Other than the tips mentioned above, consuming foods such as pumpkin, legumes, and red beans also helps in de-swelling!

"7 days post surgery, I think my eyes are asymmetrical"

In double eyelid surgery, time is required for the eyelid tissue to settle. Depending on each individual's condition, the recovery period may differ, and also swelling may recede differently on each eyes. During the recovery period, there are limits to diagnose if the eyes are really asymmetric, so it is advised to wait until the swelling has receded. De-swelling injection may also help is the swelling is too severe, so no need to stress out if the swelling recedes differently!

"There are too many eye boogers after double eyelid surgery, why does this happen?"

Right after Korean double eyelid surgery, you may have few uncomfortable symptoms. The upper eyelid swelling on the surgery area may cause pressure to the eyes, resulting a blurriness, pressure on the tear duct, temporary cloudiness in your vision, eye boogers that appear more often than before. These symptoms will be resolved with time, however if you still have these symptoms even after the recovery period, it is advised to contact your hospital.
