Hello everyone! Today we will be discussing about Korean double eyelid surgery! In Korea, double eyelid surgery is one of the most common surgeries done! The reason is because, most are monolid and wants eyes that are defined. Korean double eyelid surgery, how much do you know about it? 

Shall we find out more about Korean double eyelid surgery while we take look at Korean double eyelid surgery results? 

As you have seen from the before and after Korean double eyelid surgery, after double eyelid surgery, the eyelid has become more defined and the line looks natural and pretty, right? 

There are 3 methods in Korean double eyelid surgery. 

1. Natural adhesion

Natural adhesion, through fine hole and allowing the tissue to adhere naturally to make a natural double eyelid line. Since small, fine holes are made, the scar and swelling is not too severe, and we can expect faster recovery. This is one of the reason patients prefer natural adhesion method. 

2. Incision

Double eyelid line is made through incision on the eyelid, and removing unwanted fats, muscle and skin, giving defined double eyelid line and is maintained for longer time. This also allows different lines to be created!

3. Non-incision

Last but not least, non-incision method creates double eyelid line with 3~5 suture points on the eyelids. Non-incision method, compared to incision method has swells and bruises lesser, and you can expect to go back to normal daily activities faster!

Korean double eyelid surgery is performed under local anesthesia and sedation. Depending on the method of the surgery, the surgery may take 30 minutes ~ 1 hour. Incision method has thread removal 1 week after the surgery, while non-incision and natural adhesion method does not required thread removal, which is a plus! 

There are different methods to get natural, beautiful double eyelid line. However, surgery methods are different for each patients, depending on the needs and condition of the eyes. You are a candidate for incision method if you have saggy and have excessive fats on the eyelid, and considered as a candidate for non-incision method if you have thin eyelids that are not saggy. If you have thin skin with no elasticity, and want natural eye shape, you are considered as natural adhesion method candidate.

However, it is advised to do the surgery after establishing a surgery plan that suits your eyes after 1:1 personalized consultation with an experienced specialist. It is advised to do the surgery after sufficient consultation and examining the condition of the eyes and discussing the eye shape wanted through 1:1 consultation at Marble Plastic Surgery. 

For Marble Plastic Surgery consultation reservation or inquiries, please contact us at: 
