Hello from Marble Plastic Surgery, famous Korean plastic surgery clinic! Recently many patients have been seeking male plastic surgery Korea to emphasize masculinity. For a successful plastic surgery result, patient's facial harmony and ratio must be considered. Not only that, female and male patients have different wants, and different facial structure, which is why in performing male plastic surgery Korea, surgery must be focused to masculinity. 

Double eyelid surgery is one of the most popular surgery, and also commonly done in male plastic surgery Korea. If patient seeks for masculine image, by creating defined eye shape, an image that is brighter and more confident can be created, while if the patient seeks for softer image, with thinner double eyelid line, cuter image can be created. There are few methods for double eyelid surgery, and natural adhesion double eyelid surgery method is preferred by male patients! Natural adhesion double eyelid method creates natural double eyelid line just like your own natural line through small, tiny holes. Not only that, faster recovery with minimal swelling and bruising is one of the reason patients prefer natural adhesion method! 

Rhinoplasty are preferred by male patients. In rhinoplasty, there are different types of surgeries such as, flat nose surgery, hump nose, bulbous nose, deviated nose. Generally, male has thicker skin and wider nose bridge with hump. The protrusion on nasal skin and with narrow angles. Thus, different angles on the nasal tip creates different results. In male plastic surgery Korea, aiming for nose bridge with straight line is the important part. Straight bridge and line as such creates natural and masculine nose line. 

Korean male rhinoplasty is not only about raising the height of the nose or nose shape that looks "made-up" but it is important to create natural looking nose from the front and side. With Korean male double eyelid surgery, it is important to find out what the patient wants, whether it is masculine or softer image, and proceed with designing the eyes. 

Most importantly, for satisfying male plastic surgery result, it is important to perform the surgery after sufficient consultation with medical team that has wide knowledge on anatomical and structural charactertics, and experienced in male plastic surgery. For faster recovery, post surgery care for swelling and pain is important, which is why at Marble Plastic Surgery, we also acknowledge the importance of after care service such as Smartlux laser treatment and follow up check with the surgeon. 

For male plastic surgery Korea inquiries, please contact us at: 

