Hello from Marble Plastic Surgery, best Korean rhinoplasty clinic! The nose which is the center of the face determines a person's image. Therefore, a lot of people seek for nose surgery or rhinoplasty! If you are looking for rhinoplasty due to your low nose bridge or bulbous tip, you will be searching up rhinoplasty results! So today we have prepared Marble Plastic Surgery's best Korean rhinoplasty result!

We have prepared few different Marble Plastic Surgery's best Korean rhinoplasty before and after cases! At Marble Plastic Surgery, to provide the best result, surgery plan is established through 1:1 personalized consultation and considering the overall facial harmony, nose height and line! 

After detailed consultation, we can proceed to the surgery to see best Korean rhinoplasty result! Shall we see together some of the results?!




After the surgery, the nose is higher, refined and slimmer! It really is best Korean rhinoplasty result! But, did you know, that rhinoplasty, it is important to follow the post-surgery precautions too? 

Things to keep note of after Korean rhinoplasty! 

- There may be swelling, bruises, and bleeding after surgery, if you bleed, don't panic! Stop the bleeding with gauze!

- Do not rub or press against the surgical area, and wearing simple makeup is allowed after 10 days!

- It is recommended that you keep your upper body higher than your heart, and sleep in the right position. 

- For bruise and swelling treatment at home, it is advised to apply cold compress 3 ~ 4 days after surgery, and warm compress 5 ~ 7 days after surgery!

- Please refrain from smoking and consuming alcohol, 1 month after the surgery, and it is advised to avoid spicy foods! 

Marble Plastic Surgery is always putting our best effort to give the best plastic surgery result through safe surgery. At Marble Plastic Surgery, there are 5 board certified plastic surgeons and 1 board certified anesthesiologist, and also providing Smartlux deswelling laser treatment, and follow up check before departure, to ensure best Korean rhinoplasty result!

For rhinoplasty consultation or inquiries, please contact us at: 

